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Mark Zuckerberg said that AI has already reached the level of middle-level developers in programming and companies can start "automating" their work by the end of 2025.

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has said that the company’s artificial intelligence is no worse than mid-level programmers. In his opinion, AI could already start replacing mid-level developers at Meta, and the company’s products will be written by AI engineers.

Mark Zuckerberg said that AI has already reached the level of middle-level developers in programming and companies can start "automating" their work by the end of 2025.

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has said that the company’s artificial intelligence is no worse than mid-level programmers. In his opinion, AI could already start replacing mid-level developers at Meta, and the company’s products will be written by AI engineers.

He spoke about this during a podcast with Joe Rogan, where he shared his vision for the role of artificial intelligence in coding and the potential disruption to the job market it could cause.

«We’re going to get to the point where all the code in our apps and the AI ​​that it generates will also be written by AI engineers, not human engineers. Probably in 2025, we at Meta, as well as other companies that are basically working on this, will have AI that can actually be something like a mid-level engineer in your company who can write code,» he said.

Such automation can be expensive, but Zuckerberg believes Meta will reach a point where all the code in its apps and the AI ​​it generates will also be run by AI. According to a salary tracking site, mid-level software engineers at the company now earn nearly six-figure annual salaries.

On Tuesday, Zuckerberg announced that Meta plans to replace third-party fact-checkers with user notes, similar to Elon Musk’s X, and bring back more political content. The announcement sparked concerns from dozens of fact-checking groups, who signed an open letter to Zuckerberg, saying the changes would be a «step backwards» for the company.

Earlier, Meta Corporation owner Mark Zuckerberg complained about the rise of «culturally neutered companies that seek to distance themselves from male energy.» The entrepreneur thus commented on the rejection of diversity and inclusion (DEI) programs.

Recall that Amazon, owned by Jeff Bezos, who also owns the Washington Post, and Meta, owned by Mark Zuckerberg, are among those who have donated money to Trump’s inauguration. Meta donated $1 million to the cause.

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Oleksandr Menzerov
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Oleksandr Menzerov EPAM, Test Automation Engineer

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