7 countries that brought the most revenue to Ukrainian IT in 2024: all of them provided $4,686 billion to the country's economy
7 countries that brought the most revenue to Ukrainian IT in 2024: all of them provided $4,686 billion to the country's economy

“Our goal is to have good relations with all regulators.” Revolut said that obtaining a Ukrainian banking license is a priority for the company
“Our goal is to have good relations with all regulators.” Revolut said that obtaining a Ukrainian banking license is a priority for the company

Top 5 largest taxpayers of "Diia.City" in 2024: some changes have occurred in half a year
Top 5 largest taxpayers of "Diia.City" in 2024: some changes have occurred in half a year

Visa launches Tap to Add Card technology in Ukraine, allowing easy addition of cards to digital wallets
Visa launches Tap to Add Card technology in Ukraine, allowing easy addition of cards to digital wallets

Fedorov has one of the lowest salaries in the government. How much did the Minister of Digital Transformation earn during 2024?
Fedorov has one of the lowest salaries in the government. How much did the Minister of Digital Transformation earn during 2024?

In love with business. Referral from FUIB - 4 months of free service
In love with business. Referral from FUIB - 4 months of free service

USAID — найбільший донор Мінцифри: які проєкти опинилися в зоні ризику через призупинення фінансування
USAID — найбільший донор Мінцифри: які проєкти опинилися в зоні ризику через призупинення фінансування

Hetmantsev promised that the Verkhovna Rada would not adopt sudden changes in taxation and would adhere to "reasonable deadlines" of 5-6 months.
Hetmantsev promised that the Verkhovna Rada would not adopt sudden changes in taxation and would adhere to "reasonable deadlines" of 5-6 months.

Venture fund 1991 Ventures, which finances Ukrainian startups, has attracted 15 million pounds in investment
Venture fund 1991 Ventures, which finances Ukrainian startups, has attracted 15 million pounds in investment

The Washington Post estimated that Musk invested about $288 million in Trump's victory.
The Washington Post estimated that Musk invested about $288 million in Trump's victory.

Real wages in IT exceeded the "pre-war" level by 45.5% — Hetmantsev
Real wages in IT exceeded the "pre-war" level by 45.5% — Hetmantsev

New restrictions on money transfers will come into effect from February 1. 7 questions and answers that will affect everyone
New restrictions on money transfers will come into effect from February 1. 7 questions and answers that will affect everyone
In December, Ukrainian banks and financial companies joined the memorandum on transparency of the payment services market, which provides for the fight against «drop schemes» and the reduction of transfer limits. «Drop schemes» pose significant risks both for financial institutions and for state security, as they are often used for tax evasion and financing of terrorist activities. Currently, the memorandum has been signed by 44 banks and 2 financial companies that are payment system providers.

NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang's net worth has decreased by over $20 billion due to Chinese startup DeepSeek
NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang's net worth has decreased by over $20 billion due to Chinese startup DeepSeek

У 2024 році обсяг ІТ-експорту впав на 4%: зниження триває вже другий рік поспіль
У 2024 році обсяг ІТ-експорту впав на 4%: зниження триває вже другий рік поспіль

No more transferring your salary to mono from a "salary bank": monobank has launched a new tool
No more transferring your salary to mono from a "salary bank": monobank has launched a new tool

LinkedIn earned a record $2 billion in premium subscriptions in 12 months
LinkedIn earned a record $2 billion in premium subscriptions in 12 months

Find a bug and receive a reward from FUIB. Test the cybersecurity of the bank's services
Find a bug and receive a reward from FUIB. Test the cybersecurity of the bank's services
Ukrainian IT professionals have the opportunity to earn money by identifying potential bugs in the system of one of the country’s leading banks. We tell you who can join, what experience they can gain, and how much they can earn.

“Slowing down the country’s digital transformation.” The termination of USAID financial assistance has put all new projects in Ukrainian GovTech on hold
“Slowing down the country’s digital transformation.” The termination of USAID financial assistance has put all new projects in Ukrainian GovTech on hold

IT specialists in the civil service earn an average of $1,000: what salaries can IT professionals in the GovTech field expect?
IT specialists in the civil service earn an average of $1,000: what salaries can IT professionals in the GovTech field expect?

Конструктор сайтів Weblium, завдяки модулю пошукової оптимізації (SEO), допомагає українському бізнесу отримувати нових клієнтів у 2025-му році
Конструктор сайтів Weblium, завдяки модулю пошукової оптимізації (SEO), допомагає українському бізнесу отримувати нових клієнтів у 2025-му році

Hetmantsev announced the "de-shadowing" of the electronics market — Apple equipment sellers face new inspections and other tax control measures
Hetmantsev announced the "de-shadowing" of the electronics market — Apple equipment sellers face new inspections and other tax control measures

In 2024, Ukrainians spent an average of over UAH 12 billion monthly on gambling
In 2024, Ukrainians spent an average of over UAH 12 billion monthly on gambling

Mobile operator lifecell reduces the number of tariffs and increases prices
Mobile operator lifecell reduces the number of tariffs and increases prices

Ukrainian fund SID Venture Partners invested in 5 AI startups
Ukrainian fund SID Venture Partners invested in 5 AI startups

"In the Ukrainian ecosystem, the biggest problem is at the Series A-B stages, when you need to raise $3-5 million. Our minimum check is $10 million." Horizon Capital spoke about investing in the tech sector during the war
"In the Ukrainian ecosystem, the biggest problem is at the Series A-B stages, when you need to raise $3-5 million. Our minimum check is $10 million." Horizon Capital spoke about investing in the tech sector during the war

Meta has announced a bonus program for content creators, likely influenced by the closure of TikTok. What you need to do to get $5,000 in cash
Meta has announced a bonus program for content creators, likely influenced by the closure of TikTok. What you need to do to get $5,000 in cash

Founded by Ukrainians company for IT recruitment bought by global player
Founded by Ukrainians company for IT recruitment bought by global player

Інвестиції в українську економіку: як айтівцям отримувати від 9,5% пасивного доходу в доларах
Інвестиції в українську економіку: як айтівцям отримувати від 9,5% пасивного доходу в доларах
В Україні небагато інвестиційних інструментів, які приносять стабільний дохід з урахуванням валютних коливань. Наприклад, державні облігації, хоч і не оподатковуються, але дають річний прибуток тільки 3,7% в доларах. Проте є інструмент із прогнозованою річною дохідністю від 9,5% в доларах до виплати податків і від 8,5% — після, і це цінні папери фонду Inzhur Supermarket. Інвестори отримують дохід вже в перший місяць після вкладення. Загалом за півтора року існування фонд виплатив їм майже 78 млн грн дивідендів.

How to become an investor in the Ukrainian energy sector and support the country with only 6,000 UAH: a detailed guide from Inzhur Energy
How to become an investor in the Ukrainian energy sector and support the country with only 6,000 UAH: a detailed guide from Inzhur Energy
In these difficult times, when the Russians are destroying Ukraine’s energy infrastructure almost every day, anyone can support energy workers and even make money by investing in the energy sector. Starting November 14, Ukrainians can become co-owners of the Ukrainian energy system.

Elon Musk may acquire Intel and is reportedly discussing it with a representative of Global Foundries and Qualcomm at Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence
Elon Musk may acquire Intel and is reportedly discussing it with a representative of Global Foundries and Qualcomm at Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence